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Gemerkte Produkte

NCC® Transformer Next for our customer Morelo motorhomes

NCC® Transformer Next. For Morelo Reisemobile GmbH

With NCC® Transformer Next, the 2nd generation of our sensational LED multifunctional lights is celebrating its world premiere. We are proud that NCC® Transformer Next will make the difference on the vehicle fronts of our customer Morelo's new first-class motorhomes.

With our LED innovation, you are opting for unique lighting design in premium quality that you will only find at NOLDEN. State-of-the-art edge light technology ensures razor-sharp light that is only emitted at defined points on the light body. You can utilise the brilliant quality of light particularly flexibly - whether horizontally, vertically, with or without offset.

With the NCC® Transformer Next system, up to 3 light functions can be covered - daytime running light, position light and indicator light. A sequential flashing function is also available as well as an optional coming and leaving home function. Our multifunctional lights will be available with 3 LED modules as standard. We also offer variants with 4 or 6 LED modules on request and following positive testing.

If you have any questions about our new product, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your direct contact:
+49 221 917444-0


 ©2024 MORELO Reisemobile GmbH

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