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Gemerkte Produkte

Photo of two NOLDEN Engineering experts at work

NOLDEN Engineering.

Individuality is our custom

Put your trust in our pool of engineering expertise. We can develop LED lighting concepts custom-tailored for you. At your request, our experienced engineers and CAD designers can develop bespoke LED headlights in small-scale production. Tailored exactly to the specifications of your vehicles. We work together with the manufacturer's or external designers.

Our modularity is also unmistakable

Our innovative LED modules offer you a wealth of stylistic freedom to set you apart from the competition. Whether you choose our new highlights NCC® Avego Edge, Transformer Next or Nova 70 and 90 mm: Our premium LED modules turn each vehicle into a unique example.

Completely compelling

Our complete systems tailored individually to you make installation as easy as possible – including as a ready-to-install plug-and-play solution. We would also be happy to assist you with further components, e.g. bezels, brackets, wiring harnesses and lamp failure monitoring systems. On request, we can supply you with the complete package in individualised packaging units.

Two NOLDEN Engineering experts in the technology lab at work

Any questions?

We are there for you and would be delighted to advise you personally on how to find the perfect lighting solution for your requirements.


Our trading partners

For private customers and small businesses

As an original equipment manufacturer, we work together directly only with vehicle manufacturers and the wholesale market. If you as a private individual or small business owner are interested in any of our product highlights, please consult our trading partners for your purchasing options.