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      Gemerkte Produkte

      Several trams driving in the dark with NOLDEN headlights and lamps switched on

      NCC® headlights and lamps.

      LED conversion solutions for rail vehicles

      What can a collaboration between a manufacturer of rail vehicles and NOLDEN look like? Like this, for example: Our experienced engineers and CAD designers can develop a new headlight concept – bespoke and tailor-made to a manufacturer's requirements. Of course, we can work together with the manufacturer's or external designers.

      For rail vehicles, complete and self-contained light units are the preferred option. Nevertheless, our solutions based on our innovative NCC® modules afford plenty of styling freedom and scope to stand out from the competition with individualised design and super-modern technology. For this reason, we are happy to offer the complete package even in comparatively low unit quantities. And this includes everything necessary for production: headlights and lamps, bezels and brackets, wiring harnesses and lamp failure monitoring systems. If desired, the whole package can be supplied to the customer in individual packaging units. It's clear: For NOLDEN, every order comes from a fleet customer.


      We bring premium quality to the track

      Selected headlights and lamps also meet the requirements of EN 50155 and 50121-3-2 with our special ballast electronics. However, all NOLDEN products conform to applicable ECE and EMC requirements.

      • NCC® TLS

        NCC® TLS Tram Light System

        With our NCC® TLS, we are able to respond to the requirements of the tram in a modular way. For this purpose, a wide selection of 90 mm and 70 mm LED headlights and lamps is available for the front and rear. Our system is completed by a 70 mm LED high-level third headlight (Z1) and modern LED side indicator lights with light guide technology and LED side marker lights with the relevant reflectors. 

      • NCC® SBG-2

        NCC® SBG-2 Signal transmitter

        A signal transmitter for the indicator lights is a standard component in rail and road vehicles. The electronic flasher unit from NOLDEN goes one step further: Failure monitoring is now integrated even for the special rail vehicle flasher unit. Up to three channels can be individually monitored on each side of the vehicle. The load triggering thresholds are programmable. This enables individual detection of the four indicator lights at the front and rear as well as collective monitoring of the side indicator lights. In the event of failure of one or more light sources, an external switch output is activated, which either activates a tell-tale light or can be used as an input signal for a PLC.

      • NCC® SML

        NCC® SML LED Side Marker Light

        This ECE-approved LED side indicator light has been developed specifically for local public transport, making it ideal for buses or rail vehicles. An economical 5 W power draw, flattened corners, concealed mounting holes and a special, flexible rubber base seal are all part of this clever concept. With cutting-edge light guide technology of course. This side indicator light can be combined with the NCC® SML side marker light for the optimum visual effect. An ideal mounting solution for factory-fitting and retrofitting. Available with an inner bezel in chrome only.

      • NCC® SML

        NCC® SML LED side marker light

        Our SML LED side marker light is ECE-approved. It has been developed specifically for local public transport and is therefore perfect for use on buses or rail vehicles. With an economical 5 W power draw, flattened corners, concealed mounting holes and a special, flexible rubber base seal and modern light guide technology, it offers a range of benefits. This LED side marker light can be combined with the NCC® SIL side indicator light for the perfect visual match. An ideal mounting solution for factory-fitting and retrofitting.

      Photo of two NOLDEN Engineering experts at work


      Precision and customisation

      Flexibility is what we're about. At your request, our experienced engineers and CAD designers can develop LED headlights specifically for you in small-scale production. In addition, we can provide you with individual lighting concepts using our versatile headlight modules.


      Any questions?

      We are there for you and would be delighted to advise you personally on how to find the perfect lighting solution for your requirements.


      Our trading partners

      For private customers and small businesses

      As an original equipment manufacturer, we work together directly only with vehicle manufacturers and the wholesale market. If you as a private individual or small business owner are interested in any of our product highlights, please consult our trading partners for your purchasing options.